What else to do while in Knox?
Knox, PA is located in Clarion County and we have a host of places to shop, eat, visit, hike, bike and other places to visit.
Before a salt room visit, you can pick up fresh, baked goods at Knox Bakery which is just a block away.
Knox Bakery: Located at 540 E State St, Knox, PA 16232. Phone: (814) 797-1154
Food (within walking distance)
Carriage Inn: 520 E State St, Knox, PA 16232. 814-797-1506
Big Country Restaurant: 216 Highpoint Road, Knox, PA 16232. 814-797-1700
Pizza Shop: 417 Main St, Knox, PA 16232. 814-797-1004
Food (a short car drive)
Sweet Basil: 21108 Paint Blvd, Shippenville, PA 16254. 814-226-7013
Places to Stay (a short car drive from our salt room) – Our recommendations.
Gateway Lodge & Luxury Cabins – 14870 Route 36, Cooksburg, PA 16217, 814.744.8017 (25 miles)
Foxburg Inn Hotel – 20 Main St, Foxburg, PA 16036,(724) 659-3116 (14 miles)
Brooks Estate B&B and Manor House – 3333 Soap Fat Road, Shippenville, PA 16254 (8.2 miles)
For events, shopping, and lots more to do around Knox go to KnoxPA.com.
Opening Hours
Thursday: Noon to 7pm
Friday: 10 am to 5pm
Saturday: 10am to 4pm
Contact Details
605 W. State Street
Knox, PA 16232